Mar 16·edited Mar 16Liked by Lerato Umah-Shaylor

I've already told you of my deep love for spiced roasted cauliflower (and the wonderful version so enjoyed with friends at a Lebanese restaurant that we ordered a second large platter of it!), and of course I have Africana and have bookmarked your new post, but I really feel for the allergy story as I have two food allergies: I developed an allergy to chocolate at 17 and to all fish/seafood at 40 (the second discovery involved being rushed to the hospital as my throat was closing up). Fortunately friends have been most accommodating, and if ever I'm given chocolate by someone who doesn't know, I thank them kindly and pass it on to a deserving friend. That allergy also led to a lovely restaurant experience: I was out with a group of friends celebrating a friend's birthday (which is actually right around now!) and we went to one restaurant for dinner, then piled in a cab and went to another in a fancy hotel for dessert. And all the desserts on the menu had some chocolate in them. But our lovely server talked to the kitchen and they concocted something divine for me: ginger ice cream with mint-infused whipped cream and cannolli! Sadly this predated smart phones so I have no photo: it was delicious but also so beautiful. That server got a generous tip.

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Thank you for your compassion. It’s an issue I was worried about sharing as it seemingly reduced my capability to guide cooks in that direction. I’m glad I explored that ingredient plenty to the point that I am so confident in using it. I have also found alternatives, as a result of providing such for allergy sufferers, who I have now become. What an ordeal that must have been for you reacting to fish/seafood so harshly. Wow I love the sound of the ginger ice cream. Seems like a thoughtful recipe as opposed to those slap dash options people typically get when requiring something not on the menu. Hmmm you have inspired me to try a gingery ice cream of some sort this summer! Gisele’s Ginger Ice cream coming up!!! 💃🏽✋🏽👌🏽🥰

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This must be hard to cook something you cannot eat. It surely looks delicious!

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Yes it is, Almut. Once I was filming a nutty recipe and I proceeded to put a morsel of it in my mouth before realising what I’d done. I fall in love with food everyday so imagine falling in love and then having to restrain oneself. It’s torturous. However, I derive joy knowing you can enjoy it. ☺️❤️

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that sounds like your very personal fasting experience in this Lenten season. I am glad you can still enjoy the sight (and smell?) of the dish :-)

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And intolerance for chocolate! Quelle horreur! Although I don’t eat a lot of chocolate or often it’s one of my favourite treats and I’d be extremely sad if I could not eat any. I’m sorry. I wonder if it’s all chocolate, cacao included or perhaps something specific in chocolate bars? And I have heard of many who grow out of allergies, just like we have grown into allergies at older ages. Now my brain is tinkering away for alternatives? 🤔

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